
Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Learn more about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and drugs used to treat Asthma.

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Stefano Mirabello NowPatientGreen tick
Created on 16 Jul 2024
Updated on 17 Jul 2024

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Here, we aim to provide you with an in-depth understanding of asthma by exploring its definition, causes, risk factors, asthma triggers, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and management strategies. Additionally, we will delve into the impact of asthma on individuals, communities, and the healthcare system. By examining the latest research and developments in the field, we aim to equip readers with valuable knowledge and promote better asthma management and support for those living with this condition.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. This narrowing of the airways is known as bronchoconstriction which leads to breathing difficulties. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of asthma, including its definition, types, causes, risk factors, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and management strategies.

What is the definition and types of asthma?

Asthma is a complex respiratory condition characterized by inflammation, constriction, and swelling of the airways, resulting in recurring episodes of breathlessness, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. It can be classified into different types based on triggers, age of onset and severity, such as allergic asthma, occupational asthma, exercise-induced asthma, and severe asthma.

What are the causes and risk factors for asthma?

The development of asthma is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Common risk factors include a family history of asthma or allergies, exposure to allergens, obesity, respiratory infections during childhood, exposure to tobacco smoke, and certain occupational exposures.

What is the pathophysiology of asthma?

Asthma involves a complex interplay of various factors, including immune responses, airway inflammation, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and airway remodeling. Understanding the underlying pathophysiology helps in the development of effective treatment approaches.

What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

Asthma symptoms vary in frequency and severity among individuals. Common symptoms include wheezing (a whistling sound during breathing), shortness of breath, coughing (particularly at night or early morning), and chest tightness. Recognizing these signs and symptoms is crucial for timely intervention.

How is asthma diagnosed?

Accurate diagnosis is essential for appropriate management. Medical history, physical examination, lung function tests (such as spirometry), and additional tests including using a peak flow meter.  Allergy testing can aid in diagnosing asthma and differentiating it from other respiratory conditions.

What are the treatment options for asthma?

Asthma treatment aims to control symptoms, reduce inflammation, prevent exacerbations, and improve the quality of life. The mainstay of treatment involves medications, inhaler devices, immunotherapy, and lifestyle modifications.


Medications for asthma management include quick-relief medications (short-acting beta-agonists) to provide immediate relief during asthma attacks or flare-up, and long-term control medications (inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting beta-agonists, leukotriene modifiers, and others) to reduce inflammation and maintain long-term control of symptoms.

Inhaler devices

Inhaler devices are commonly used to deliver medications directly to the airways. They come in various forms, including metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), dry powder inhalers (DPIs), and nebulizers.

Allergy shots (Immunotherapy)

Allergy shots or immunotherapy, may be recommended for individuals with allergic asthma. This treatment involves regular injections of small amounts of allergens to desensitize the immune system and reduce allergic responses.

What are the different types of asthma medication?

There’s currently no cure for asthma, however asthma medicines can help regulate the symptoms so you’re able to live a normal, active life.  Your physician can treat asthma using the following medication classes:

Controllers (Preventers)

  • Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS): beclomethasone, budesonide, fluticasone, mometasone
  • Combination inhalers (ICS with long-acting beta-agonists, LABAs): fluticasone/salmeterol, budesonide/formoterol
  • Leukotriene modifiers: montelukast, zafirlukast
  • Long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs): salmeterol, formoterol
  • Theophylline

Relievers (Rescue Medications)

  • Short-acting beta-agonists (SABAs) or bronchodilators: albuterol (salbutamol), levalbuterol
  • Short-acting anticholinergics: ipratropium bromide
  • Combination inhalers (SABA with short-acting anticholinergic): albuterol/ipratropium bromide

Additionally, there are other medications that may be prescribed for specific cases or severe asthma exacerbations, including:

Oral corticosteroids

Monoclonal antibodies (biologics)

  • omalizumab
  • mepolizumab
  • reslizumab
  • benralizumab
  • dupilumab

What lifestyle modifications can I make if I have been diagnosed with Asthma?

Certain lifestyle modifications can help manage asthma symptoms and reduce the risk of exacerbations. These may include avoiding triggers, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, practicing good hygiene, and managing stress.

What are the management and prevention techniques for asthma?

Effective asthma management involves a comprehensive approach that includes creating an asthma action plan, identifying and avoiding triggers, self-monitoring, and receiving adequate education and support.  In addition, the CDC recommends that people with asthma get certain vaccines such as flu or pneumonia. Vaccines help the immune system protect against bacteria or viruses to prevent infection.

Asthma action plan

An asthma action plan is a personalized written document that guides individuals on managing their asthma. It includes instructions for daily management, recognizing and responding to worsening symptoms, and seeking emergency care when needed.

Asthma triggers and avoidance strategies

Identifying and avoiding triggers plays a vital role in preventing asthma exacerbations or severe asthma attacks. Common triggers include allergens, second hand smoke,dust mites, dander, cold air, respiratory infections, irritants, air pollution, exercise, and weather changes. Implementing strategies to minimize exposure to these triggers can significantly improve asthma control.

Monitoring and self-care

Regular monitoring of symptoms, peak flow measurements, and keeping track of medication usage can help individuals assess their asthma control and detect any changes or worsening. Self-care practices, such as adhering to prescribed medications and following healthcare provider recommendations are essential for long-term management.

Asthma education and support

Education about asthma, its management, and proper inhaler techniques is crucial for individuals and their families. Asthma support groups and educational programs can provide valuable resources and support for those living with asthma.

Impact of asthma

Asthma has significant physical, emotional, psychological, social, and economic impacts on individuals, communities, and the healthcare system.

Physical impact

Asthma can lead to frequent symptoms, limitations in physical activity, increased risk of respiratory infections, and occasional severe exacerbations that require emergency care.

Emotional and psychological impact

Living with asthma can cause emotional stress, anxiety, depression, and a decreased quality of life. The fear of asthma attacks and the need to constantly manage symptoms can affect the mental well-being of individuals with asthma.

Social and economic impact

Asthma can impact social activities, school attendance, and work productivity. The economic burden of asthma includes healthcare costs, medication expenses, missed workdays, and reduced productivity.

Impact on quality of life

Asthma can significantly affect the overall quality of life, including physical functioning, social interactions, sleep patterns, and emotional well-being.

Asthma in children

Asthma is a common respiratory condition in young children. It presents unique challenges in terms of diagnosis, management, and support. Understanding childhood asthma, especially what can trigger asthma, is crucial for parents, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

Emerging research and development

Ongoing research in the field of asthma aims to improve understanding, treatment options, and preventive strategies. Advancements in personalized medicine, targeted therapies, and innovative inhaler technologies are being explored to enhance asthma management.

Asthma is a complex chronic respiratory condition that requires comprehensive management. By understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and management strategies, individuals with asthma can achieve better control and improved quality of life. Continued research and support for those living with asthma are essential to reduce the burden of this condition on individuals and society as a whole.

What asthma support organizations are there available to support me in the UK?

  • Asthma UK: Asthma UK is a leading charity organization in the UK that supports individuals with asthma. They provide information resources, asthma advice lines, online forums, support groups, and educational materials. Asthma UK also campaigns for improved asthma care and funds research initiatives
  • British Lung Foundation (BLF): The British Lung Foundation is a national charity organization that supports individuals with various lung conditions, including asthma. They offer information resources, helplines, support groups, and advocacy initiatives
  • Allergy UK: Allergy UK is a national charity organization that provides support and information for individuals with allergies, including those with asthma triggered by allergies. They offer resources, helplines, online forums, and educational materials on allergy management
  • Primary Care Respiratory Society UK (PCRS-UK): PCRS-UK is an organization that focuses on respiratory care in primary care settings. They provide resources, educational materials, training programs, and conferences for healthcare professionals involved in asthma management

What asthma support organizations are there available to support me in the US?

  • American Lung Association (ALA): The American Lung Association is a national organization that supports individuals with various lung diseases, including asthma. They provide educational materials, resources, support groups, advocacy initiatives, and information on asthma management
  • Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA): AAFA is a non-profit organization that focuses on asthma and allergies. They offer educational resources, online support communities, advocacy initiatives, and tools for managing asthma and allergies
  • Allergy & Asthma Network: Allergy & Asthma Network is an organization that provides resources, support, and advocacy for individuals with allergies and asthma. They offer educational materials, patient support networks, training programs, and initiatives to improve asthma care
  • American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI): AAAAI is a professional medical association focused on allergies, asthma, and immunology. Their website provides resources, patient education materials, and information on finding allergists and immunologists
  • Healthy Children is the official parenting website of the American Academy of Pediatrics. They provide resources, articles, and information on various health topics, including asthma management in children
  • The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) supports the development of clinical practice guidelines


Asthma is a complex chronic respiratory condition that requires comprehensive management. By understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and management strategies, individuals with asthma can achieve better control and improved quality of life. Continued research and support for those living with asthma are essential to reduce the burden of this condition on individuals and society as a whole.

Medical Disclaimer

NowPatient has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that all material is factually accurate, complete, and current. However, the knowledge and experience of a qualified healthcare professional should always be sought after instead of using the information on this page. Before taking any drug, you should always speak to your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider.

The information provided here about medications is subject to change and is not meant to include all uses, precautions, warnings, directions, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or negative effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a particular medication does not imply that the medication or medication combination is appropriate for all patients or for all possible purposes.

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