Frequently asked questions
We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions and provided clear, concise answers to help you navigate your experience across NowPatient services. If you can’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team.
What does NowPatient do?
Where is NowPatient located?
Who owns NowPatient?
How can I contact NowPatient?
What are NowPatient’s opening hours?
How do I access NowPatient?
What if I don’t have a smart phone?
Can you tell me more about your NHS online pharmacy?
Can you tell me more about NowPatient’s prescribing services for treatments offered?
Can you tell me more about NowPatient’s US services?
About Telehealth
Everything you need to know about video consultations
Are remote video consultations right for me?
How do I know if the remote video consultation service is safe?
Do I need to verify my identity during the remote video consultation?
Can I have a chaperone (carer, friend, family member) join a remote video consultation?
How can I be sure that you are handling and protecting my data securely?
How is my data stored?
Are my consultations confidential?
Can I select which clinician I have my consultation with?
Will my doctor be informed of any consultations I have through the app?
Do remote video consultations save money for health systems?
Are remote video consultations safer than online questionnaires?
What quality of care can I expect to receive from a remote video consultation?
Why am I being asked to provide my Blood Pressure reading?
If I don’t have a Blood Pressure monitor, how can I provide my readings?
Is the remote blood pressure monitor safe and medically accurate?
How does the remote blood pressure monitor actually work?
When and how is my remote blood pressure reading taken?
What devices does the remote Blood Pressure monitor work on?
Why do my results keep failing when using the remote blood pressure monitor service?
Trusted and certified to keep your data safe.
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Can I Trust NowPatient
Our product and services are certified to international healthcare, medical device and data security standards
We are committed to helping everyone, everywhere live healthier lives
The NowPatient virtual care platform provides you with access to trusted health information, affordable treatments, management of chronic health conditions and continuous monitoring for health risks. NowPatient can be accessed by downloading the App or using your web browser.