Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Find out your risk of developing type 2 diabetes within the next ten years using our scientifically backed risk assessment tool. It could be the most important thing you do today…

How it works

Step 1

Go to your account dashboard and look for the Type 2 Diabetes Risk tool

Smartphone screen displaying a health app with a Type 2 Diabetes Risk score of 15. Icons for different features are visible at the top.
Step 2

If you have not completed your health profile, the Type 2 Diabetes Risk tool will be locked. Select the ‘Complete assessment’ button

Smartphone screen displaying a health app. The app shows a risk assessment for Type 2 Diabetes with a call-to-action button labeled "Complete assessment.
Step 3

Now complete the assessment questionnaire

A smartphone screen displaying a survey question asking if the user has a history of high blood glucose. The "Yes" option is selected.
Step 4

You will now be graded with a risk score, and redirected to the tool on your dashboard

A smartphone screen displays a health app indicating a Type 2 Diabetes Risk score of 24 with a warning icon, set against a yellow background with shield patterns.
Step 5

If your score indicates a risk then you will see a warning sign. Click the warning sign and you will now be able to see an advisory message advising you what to do

A smartphone screen displaying a message about a Type 2 Diabetes risk, indicating a 33% chance of developing diabetes in the next 10 years and recommending dietary and exercise changes to reduce risk.
Step 6

Every 12 months, we recommend that you repeat the assessment or update your health profile. Your risk may change as you adapt your lifestyle by implementing healthy living advice provided

A smartphone screen displays an app notification about reassessing Type 2 Diabetes risk, addressed to Allan. The screen shows a "Complete assessment" button below the message.

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To improve the lives of everyone by making high-quality care accessible and convenient

We are here to improve lives. Our service gives you access to smart features and resources that can help empower you to take control of your health and improve your health outcomes. All this, in one place, for FREE. We strive to bring a fresh perspective to managing health. NowPatient can be accessed by downloading the App or using your web browser.

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A laptop screen displays a dashboard with various health metrics and notifications. Widgets include drug coupons, home health testing, genetic risk, diabetes risk, BMI, pollen meter, and air quality.

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