
Treatment & Medications

Get treated privately for Acne safely and easily in a few simple steps. Get started by selecting the available treatments you are interested in below or by hitting the start consultation button.

Includes Free Private Prescription & Consultation

This content is intended for UK audiences only

Available treatments



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Getting treated privately is a service designed for individuals who are looking to get treated for a medical condition from the comfort of their own home. Get connected with one of our clinicians to start your assessment. It’s FREE and you only pay for medication that is prescribed. This service is regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council in the UK.

Acne key facts

Navin Khosla NowPatientGreen tick
Created on 11 Jun 2024
Updated on 12 Sep 2024

Acne is a skin condition that affects both men and women regardless of their age. Women however, tend to suffer from adult acne more than men. Here, we will take a look at the causes, types, and treatments available. Having a better understanding will help you not only treat episodes of acne, but also provide you with valuable information to prevent breakouts.

Introduction to acne

Acne vulgaris (acne) occurs when the follicles at the base of your hairs become blocked with dead skin cells or oil, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts and nodules forming on the surface of the skin. Acne tends to occur more on the face, chest, shoulders and upper back, essentially where there are a greater number of oil glands on your body.

Acne is more common during puberty, however it can continue into adulthood or even develop when you become an adult. The excess production of oil, changes in your hormones, bacteria, and inflammation of the skin are all factors that may lead to the development of acne.

Causes of acne

  • Hormonal changes, especially during adolescence and puberty. Increased levels of androgens cause an increased production of oil from the sebaceous glands, causing pores on the skin to become blocked
  • Family history, you are more likely to develop acne if your parents suffered with acne
  • Medications, such as steroids, lithium, or testosterone, may trigger outbreaks of acne
  • Diet, studies have shown that dairy products and foods high in sugar may make the symptoms of acne worse in some people
  • Poor skincare
  • Friction or pressure on the skin
  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Humidity

Identifying different forms of acne

Understanding and identifying the different types of acne will help decide the most appropriate treatment options:

  • Comedones: These are caused by clogged hair follicles. Better know as blackheads, which occur when the pore is open to the air, and whiteheads, where the pore is closed and not open to the air
  • Papules: Small, raised, tender, red bumps caused by inflammation or infection of the hair follicles
  • Pustules: Inflamed pimples, containing pus. These typically look like red spots with a yellowish centre
  • Nodules: These are more severe than pustules and papules and may lead to scarring if not treated
  • Cysts: Pus-filled lesions, larger and more painful than nodules. These may cause serious scarring if not treated promptly

Treatments for mild acne

  • Over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or retinoids (vitamin A derivatives). These can help to unblock pores, reduce the production of oil, and promote the turnover of skin cells
  • Good skincare hygiene: Washing your face daily with a mild cleanser and not picking your spots or scrubbing your skin, as this may lead to scarring and inflammation

You are recommended to use non-comedogenic makeup or oil-free moisturizers, to prevent the blockage of skin pores. Speak to a dermatologist for further advice if OTC products do not help to manage your mild acne.

Managing moderate acne

  • Topical antibiotics such as clindamycin, erythromycin, or tetracycline to prevent the growth of bacteria
  • Oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline or minocycline
  • Hormonal therapies, such as combined oral contraceptives or spironolactone, may be used for women who have hormonal acne
  • Chemical peels or light therapy to help unblock skin pores, exfoliate the skin, and reduce to help reduce inflammation

Treating severe acne

  • Oral isotretinoin: This is a potent retinoid treatment that reduces the production of sebum, bacterial growth and inflammation. It does however cause side effects and will need to be monitored by a dermatologist
  • Corticosteroid injections: These reduce pain and inflammation associated with the build-up of oil and dead skin cells within the hair follicles (cystic acne)
  • Oral antibiotics used in combination with topical treatments to help manage severe acne and prevent further damage and scarring of the skin

Skin care for acne-prone skin

Having a skincare routine is a good idea to help manage your skin if you are prone to acne. Here are some tips to add to your daily skincare routine:

  • Use a gentle skin cleanser on your face twice a day. Do not scrub or scrape your skin, as this may irritate your skin further
  • Exfoliate your skin, using exfoliants such as salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids
  • Use oil-free moisturizers to hydrate your skin without clogging up the pores. This is important for all types of skin, including acne-prone and oily skin
  • Use a sunscreen, SPF 30 to protect your skin from UV rays
  • Avoid touching or picking at your acne, as this may cause scarring and introduce further bacteria and infections
  • Use oil-free skincare and makeup to prevent pores from clogging up. Check labels to ensure the products are suitable for your skin

The role of diet in acne

The impact of diet on acne is not clear, but certain factors in your diet may influence the severity of your acne symptoms. Studies suggest that foods high in sugar content, such as sugary snacks and refined carbohydrates, may make acne flare-ups worse. Also, dairy products and foods high in iodine content have also been linked to acne in some individuals.

Maintaining a nutritious balanced diet can help contribute to the overall health of your skin. Make sure you include foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Also, drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help you maintain healthy skin. Keep a food diary, to track which foods are causing acne breakouts. Discuss your findings with a healthcare professional for further guidance.

Common acne myths

There are many myths concerning acne. Here, we will take a closer look to see which, if any of these myths are true:

  • Poor personal hygiene causes acne: Poor hygiene alone will not cause acne. Factors such as changes in hormone levels, excessive oil production, bacteria, and inflammation are more likely to affect acne breakouts
  • Acne only occurs during adolescence and puberty: Acne is more common during puberty, but it can continue into adult life and even begin later in life. Stress and changes in hormone levels may affect the likelihood of acne at any age
  • Chocolate and greasy food cause acne: There is not enough evidence to suggest certain foods cause acne. However, making sure you have a healthy balanced diet is important to maintain healthy skin
  • Pimples will heal faster if you pick them: Picking pimples may lead to further problems, such as further bacterial infections, inflammation and scarring. Do not touch or squeeze acne spots. Instead, speak to a healthcare professional for the most appropriate advice

By understanding the causes and treatment options available for acne, you can make better-informed choices about how to manage your condition.

What to do about acne scarring

Inflammation due to acne can cause damage to the skin, causing scarring. Acne scars can appear as bumps or pits on the skin, affecting self-esteem.

Treatment options for acne scarring include:

  • Creams, gels or lotions containing retinoids (tretinoin, adapalene), azelaic acid or steroids can improve scarring over time
  • Chemical peels applied to the affected areas help to remove the top layer of skin, helping to promote new smoother skin
  • Exfoliation of the skin to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce mild acne scars
  • Laser resurfacing to remove the damaged skin and stimulate the production of collagen
  • Injectable dermal fillers to fill in pits, giving a smoother surface
  • Microneedling to create micro-injuries in the skin that stimulate the production of collagen

Speak to your dermatologist for medical advice to determine the best treatment option for you and your symptoms.

Dermatologists and acne treatment

Dermatologists specialise in skin conditions. They can provide expert advice and treatment plans for the management of your acne. Based on your needs, a dermatologist may recommend medications, such as creams, antibiotics, hormonal treatments, or isotretinoin.

Dermatologists can also provide advice on lifestyle modifications, skincare routines, and the proper techniques to help manage your acne. They can also perform procedures to treat severe acne, scarring, or any other skin concerns you may have.

The long-term management of acne

There are steps you can take to help prevent and manage breakouts in the long term. These include:

  • Cleansing your skin twice a day, moisturise, and using non-comedogenic products. Do not use harsh scrubs, be gentle to your skin
  • Avoid touching your face, as this can spread bacteria and oils, causing skin pores to become clogged. Do not pick or squeeze acne lesions, as this may increase inflammation and make scarring worse
  • Exercise regularly, manage your stress levels, and make sure you have a healthy balanced diet, high in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Use sunscreens, SPF 30 or higher, and protect yourself from the sun, especially during peak sun hours
  • Avoid tight clothing, which may exacerbate acne breakouts. Choose looser, more breathable fabrics and ensure good hygiene
  • Stick to simple, gentle skincare routines. Harsh treatments may irritate your skin making acne worse
  • Change pillowcases and towels on a regular basis as these may harbour bacteria that contribute to breakouts


Acne is a common skin condition affecting men and women of all ages. To manage your symptoms you will need to understand the causes, types, and treatment options available. Treatment options available, include OTC products, prescription medications, and in-office procedures.

Practicing good skincare, seeking professional help when needed, and adopting preventive measures, can help you achieve clearer, healthier skin, boosting your self-confidence. Everyone’s skin is different, so remember, what works for one person may not work for you. Consult with a healthcare professional to develop a personalized plan that suits your needs specifically.


Service Information

What does the Get Treated Privately service do?

The Get Treated Privately service is a private prescribing service which is designed for adults aged 18 years and over, who are experiencing health issues and who would like to receive a fast-track assessment and if applicable, a treatment plan from a qualified prescribing clinician. Treatments are dispensed and delivered to your home or workplace from our regulated online pharmacy.

Is this a safe service?

Yes. Our formulary of medications prescribed and conditions treated are controlled, governed, and continuously risk-assessed by our Medical Director, Dr. Aseel Hamoud. Unlike other prescribing services which operate using faceless questionnaires, our service is conducted through remote video consultations, also known as synchronous consultations. This builds patient safety and prescribing appropriateness into our service, ensuring our prescribing clinicians can be satisfied with who and what they are treating. There is no guarantee of supply of medications, and any prescriptions supplied are at the sole discretion of our clinician prescriber. There is no charge for the consultation.

What is a prescribing clinician and is it safe for me to use them on the NowPatient platform?

Our prescribing clinicians are board-certified pharmacists, nurses, or doctors who can also prescribe any medicine for any medical condition, subject to accepted accreditation and good clinical practice. They are all registered with their respective regulatory bodies. For example, a pharmacist independent prescriber is registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Each prescribing clinician undergoes an extensive background check including a disclosure and barring service check (DBS). In addition, they undergo a rigorous license verification process. When you book an appointment with our prescribing clinicians you will see their full name, license number, and any specialized credentials they have.

Is the service available in the United States and the United Kingdom?

No. At the moment, it is only available in the United Kingdom.

Do I need to pay for this service?

Yes. This is a private service. You do not need to pay for the consultation. You only pay for the cost of the medication you are prescribed.

How do I book a consultation?

Once you have logged into your account, you will need to navigate to the Get Treated Privately quick action widget which is located at the bottom of your dashboard. You can then select one of the following actions – ‘Search Treatments’ or ‘Search Conditions’.

Depending on the search type, you will be taken to a consultation booking screen. You will then need to select a date and time that is convenient for you, along with the preferred language of the prescribing clinician you wish to choose. You will then see a list of all available clinicians. From this list, you can filter clinicians by gender and then select the clinician you would like to confirm for your booking.

Once you have approved this, you will see a summary of the appointment including preliminary information about the consultation. At this point, you will also be able to add a reminder to your calendar. Always ensure your account health profile is up to date before any consultation. This ensures that our clinicians have the most up-to-date information about your current health status and anything that may influence their prescribing decisions. You will receive a push notification and email reminding you of your consultation, 30 minutes before it is due to start.

You can ‘star’ the Get Treated Privately quick action widget to have it display in the ‘My Favourite Widgets’ section of your dashboard, for ease of future booking or checking active or past orders.

What happens during the remote video consultation?

During the consultation, the clinician will ask you a series of questions that will allow the clinician to diagnose your health condition and consider possible treatment options. At the end of the consultation, the clinician will decide if a treatment plan is a safe and appropriate option for you.

If it is, the clinician will discuss the various treatment options that may be available, so that you can jointly agree on the option that is most suited to you. Once you have jointly agreed on a treatment plan, the clinician will issue a prescription order which will be available in your ‘shopping cart’ at the end of the consultation.

Also, with your consent, the clinician may wish to inform your GP of the treatment that was prescribed. We recommend that you agree to this since your GP is responsible for your overall care and they should have a record of this consultation and medication prescribed. In addition, our clinician may take the opportunity to advise you on your overall health including advice on healthy living or stop smoking.

What happens at the end of the consultation?

At the end of the consultation, you will receive a notification which will summarise the outcome. It will also advise if any referrals were made to your GP, along with any other advice that was given to you by the clinician.

If a GP referral letter was issued, you will be able to view a copy of this in the ‘My Documents’ section of your dashboard.

If you were prescribed a treatment plan, it will now be available in your shopping cart. When you go to your shopping cart, you will be able to checkout and make payment. Once the checkout is complete, your prescription order will be sent to our regulated online pharmacy for processing.

What if the prescriber does not prescribe what I want?

We operate a safe and effective service. This means that our prescribing clinicians always exercise their clinical judgment when prescribing. Unfortunately, we do not operate a service where you can demand a certain medication. If you are not prescribed anything, then you will not be charged.

Will I get status updates for my order?

Yes. When you place an order with NowPatient, we will keep you fully updated with the status of your order. Every time the status of your order changes, you will be notified immediately. These notifications will appear in your ‘My Notifications’ section on your dashboard. You can click the notification and it will take you to your active orders screen which will give you a timeline overview of the progress of your order. This can also be accessed using the ‘My Orders’ quick action widget which is on your dashboard. Here, you can access active and past orders.

How will my order be delivered?

All orders are shipped in discreet and unmarked packaging. This means it is suitable for delivery wherever you require (home, work, or a neighbour). For thermo-sensitive orders (e.g. Insulin or weight loss injections) we use cold chain-validated packaging. Your parcel will normally receive an estimated delivery window from the courier on the day of delivery.

For your protection and safety, your first order can only be delivered to the address that is registered with NowPatient. Future orders can be delivered to any other address, for example, your workplace.

Do you ship cold-chain or temperature sensitive products?

Yes. We use a specialist courier service for all thermo-sensitive deliveries. This is to ensure that cold chain integrity is always maintained and thus the product quality, safety and efficacy.

Learn more about how we handle the delivery of temperature sensitive products.

Where do you deliver?

We currently deliver to all UK postcodes. Some postcodes in rural areas may have a slightly longer delivery time.

When will my order arrive?

We aim to ship all orders placed Monday – Friday before 3pm on the same day. Orders placed outside these times will be shipped the next working day. All deliveries are shipped with Royal Mail, DPD, or DHL who deliver Monday – Saturday.
Our delivery options have the following delivery times:
  • Royal Mail Standard Tracked & Signed for Delivery for NHS prescriptions – 2/3 day delivery (normally 48 hours)
  • DHL Express Tracked Delivery – 1/2 day delivery (normally 24 hours)
  • Royal Mail Special Delivery – Next working day (Royal Mail Guaranteed before 1pm)

What should I do if my order has not arrived?

Delivery is normally made promptly after your dispatch notification is received. You can check the tracking details of your order in the ‘My Notifications’ section of your dashboard, at any point after dispatch.

Unfortunately, packages can sometimes get lost in the delivery system, if after 10 days you have not received your delivery, please contact us and we will do all we can to resolve the problem.

Can you prescribe GLP-1 weight loss injections?

Yes. However, with GLP-1 weight loss medications, the license requires that there are support resources put in place as part of the plan including coaching for a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and diet. Our clinicians will discuss this with you, if you are prescribed this type of treatment.

You can learn more on our Weight Loss Programs feature page.

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We are committed to helping everyone, everywhere live healthier lives

The NowPatient virtual care platform provides you with access to trusted health information, affordable treatments, management of chronic health conditions and continuous monitoring for health risks. NowPatient can be accessed by downloading the App or using your web browser.

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A laptop screen displays a dashboard with various health metrics and notifications. Widgets include drug coupons, home health testing, genetic risk, diabetes risk, BMI, pollen meter, and air quality.

Your Questions Answered

For your peace of mind, we can answer your questions quickly

What does NowPatient do?

NowPatient is an online pharmacy & telehealth service that is available in the US and UK. Our service is FREE and packed with useful features that can help you save money on the cost of your medications, access virtual treatments, and provide tools that can help improve your overall health.

Get started today and benefit from medication remindersGet Treated PrivatelyNHS online pharmacyGP appointment bookingRx savings cardDrug CouponsUS drug savings programshealth conditions informationgenetic testinghome test kitsBMI RisksType 2 Diabetes Riskspollen meterair quality monitor, and lots more!

Our service is operated by experienced medical professionals in the United States and the United Kingdom. You can view the online services that we provide by clicking Features.

UK users can safely and securely buy medicines online that treat a wide range of medical conditions. UK customers can also order NHS prescriptions online with the benefit of free tracked delivery.

US customers, regardless of insurance coverage, can enjoy huge savings on prescription medications using our various drug savings programs including drug coupons, savings card and manufacturer-sponsored patient assistance programs.

Where is NowPatient located?

NowPatient has offices in the United Kingdom and United States.

In the UK, we are located at:

28 Chipstead Valley Road

In the US, we are located at:

8911 North Capital of Texas Highway
Suite 4200 #1263
Austin, TX

How can I contact NowPatient?

To contact NowPatient, please use the contact form available on the Contact Us page.

Alternatively, if you need to speak to us, you can reach us on the following numbers:

UK telephone number – 020 388 51 500
US telephone number – 1-866-967-1977

Who owns NowPatient?

NowPatient is owned and operated by Infohealth Ltd, a licensed online pharmacy with services spanning the UK, US and Rest of the World. Infohealth Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 04004930 and our registered office is at Lynwood House, 373 – 375 Station Road, Harrow, England, HA1 2AW.

Our website is Our App is called “NowPatient” and can be downloaded from the App Store (for Apple devices) or Google Play (for Android devices).

Can you tell me more about your NHS online pharmacy?

NowPatient’s Pharmaceutical services in the UK are provided by Infohealth Limited trading as ‘Infohealth Pharmacy’.

Our dispensing pharmacy is regulated and authorized for internet sales by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), registration number 1036487. You can view our license credentials on the General Pharmaceutical Council website. Our superintendent pharmacist who is responsible for the safe and effective oversight of medicines supplies is Mr Amish Patel (Registration Number 2042705).

Medicines are not ordinary items of commerce. All medicines or healthcare product sales are made under the supervision of a registered pharmacist who is licensed by the GPhC. At all times, we endeavour to provide a professional and transparent service whose primary goal is to ensure that the best interests of the patient are served.

How do I make a complaint?

From time to time, we accept that our service levels may not be up to your expectations. NowPatient welcomes concerns, compliments and complaints as valuable feedback that will help us learn from your experiences and make improvements. Feedback can be provided via our clear and transparent Complaints Procedures.

Can you tell me more about NowPatient’s prescribing services for treatments offered?

Our prescribing services are regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). We provide the following regulated activity:

• treatment of disease, disorder, or injury
• transport services, triage, and medical advice are provided remotely
• caring for adults over 65 years old
• caring for adults under 65 years old

NowPatient prescribing services are run by Infohealth Limited. The Clinical Safety Officer and nominated individual is Mr Navin Khosla.

Can you tell me more about NowPatient’s US services?

Our head of US services is Dr. Jamie Winn.

You can lower the cost of your prescription medications using our various savings programs which include drug coupons, savings card and manufacturer-sponsored patient assistance programs.

We do not provide any prescribing services or dispensing services in the United States.

Is NowPatient legit and can I trust information from NowPatient?

Yes. NowPatient provides trustworthy and accessible clinical, health education and prescription services. We are also trusted by the NHS to deliver clinical and NHS repeat prescription dispensing across the whole of England. In the United States, we work with over 65,000 pharmacies to deliver considerable costs savings for our users.

NowPatient is operated by experienced licensed medical professionals in the United Kingdom and United States. Our Medical Team can be found here.

Our service is trusted by thousands of patients worldwide. You can read their reviews on our Trustpilot:

NowPatient Trustpilot

What are NowPatient’s opening hours?

Our office hours are:

UK – Monday-Friday 9am-6pm GMT
US – Monday-Friday 8am-5pm EST

Please note that we are closed at weekends.

In the event of a medical life-threatening emergency please call:

UK – 999
US – 911

In the event of a medical emergency which is not life-threatening please call:

UK – 111

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