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How to use a cock ring to improve your erections

How to use a cock ring to improve your erections

Stefano Mirabello NowPatientGreen tick
Created on 16 Jul 2024
Updated on 16 Jul 2024

Ok, let’s talk about cock rings. One of the best-kept secrets of the sex toy world. What else can give you rock hard erections, make you last longer, make you orgasm harder, and make your cock vibrate on command?

Sound good? Here we’ve got the lowdown on cock rings. We’ll tell you how they can help with premature ejaculation, with erectile dysfunction and how much fun they can be.

What is a cock ring and what do cock rings do?

Cock rings, also called penis rings, shaft rings, and C rings are bands that you put around the base of your penis or sometimes across both your penis and your testicles. They’re usually made of something firm but stretchy, like silicon or plastic, but they can also be made of other materials like leather or even metal.

Cock rings are used to trap blood in the penis to help you get and keep an erection.

You get hard when more blood flows into your penis than flows out of it, as this increase in blood makes it swell and become firm, like blowing air into a balloon to inflate it. Cock rings squeeze the base of your penis just enough to let blood flow into it, but they restrict the flow of blood out, keeping you hard.

And if the cock ring fits properly you’ll stay hard until you decide to take it off.

So why would you want to wear a cock ring?

The simple answer is because cock rings take the uncertainty out of keeping an erection. But having control over your cock is just the start of it. Mastery of your erections can have a whole host of benefits:

Cock rings and erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED), is when a man has difficulties getting or keeping an erection that’s hard enough for sex. Unsurprisingly, cock rings can be a big help with ED.

If you can get an erection, but have problems maintaining it, wearing a cock ring will make sure you stay hard. If you have problems getting erect then you can use a penis pump to draw blood into your penis, and then use a cock ring to keep it there.

Cock rings can work for ED caused by both physical problems, and also psychological ones, like performance anxiety, as it can take the stress out of erections, letting you relax and enjoy yourself.

You can also use cock rings alongside ED meds, like Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil). After taking ED meds to get an erection, simply use a cock ring to maintain it. If you’d like to use a cock ring with ED medication, talk to our doctors, just to make sure they think the combination is right for you.

Cock rings and premature ejaculation

Lots of men report that wearing a cock ring helps them with premature ejaculation (PE) too.

This may be because one of the tried and tested ways to fight premature ejaculation is the squeeze technique, where regularly squeezing your penis can slow your orgasm. The squeezing of a cock ring may have the same effect here, helping you last longer and giving you more control over your ejaculation.

Cock rings can also be used alongside premature ejaculation medications like Priligy, which also help delay orgasm to maximize your chances of staying harder for longer.

Cock rings and stronger orgasms

As if you needed any more incentives, many men who use cock rings also say it makes their erections feel fuller, their penises more sensitive and their orgasms stronger. Not bad for a small ring of rubber hey!

Cock rings are more fun for your partner

Cock rings come in a huge range of colors and materials, and they can also come with added features too. There are ones that vibrate and some with clitoral stimulators. There are even cock rings with added dildos, vibrators and anal beads for all sorts of additional thrills for you and your partner.

Most women can’t come from penetration alone, but if your cock ring vibrates and you’ve got a clitoral stimulator on there too, then the woman you’re with may not know what’s hit her.

A cock ring can help you turn a potential issue, like ED or PE into mind-blowing sex.

No one actually uses cock rings, right?

Interested in trying a cock ring? We don’t blame you. But maybe you think cock rings aren’t for people like you? Maybe because cock rings never seemed to be talked about in popular culture you think they’re pretty niche. Well, as many as one in five men use cock rings. That means all types of guys are using them. You probably have friends and colleagues that do.

The takeaway

If any of this raises your interest, then go for it. Sex should be fun. It shouldn’t be stressful or frustrating and cock rings can help with that. They can take the anxiety out of staying hard, so you and your partner can relax and focus on having fun.

Just a quick word of caution. If you do have ED or PE, then you need to talk to your doctor as well as trying home solutions like cock rings. Sometimes these conditions are caused by what’s going on in our heads, but sometimes they’re caused by serious medical conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormone imbalances or diabetes. You need to get yourself checked out to make sure you stay healthy.


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