The Greatest Movie Chat Up Lines

When it comes to chatting someone up, first impressions are key. But choosing the right thing to say can be easier said than done. Luckily, inspiration is never far away.

Movies have given us a whole host of memorable chat-up lines over the years, but which are the best of the best? And would they be as effective in the real world as they are on the big screen?

To find out more, we surveyed the nation, asking people to rate the most memorable fictional chat-up lines from movies. Explore the tool below to see which chat-up lines came out on top.

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"{{ list[sort[sorted][0]].quote }}"
"{{ list[sort[sorted][1]].quote }}"
"{{ list[sort[sorted][2]].quote }}"
"{{ list[sort[sorted][0]].quote }}"
"{{ list[sort[sorted][1]].quote }}"
"{{ list[sort[sorted][2]].quote }}"
{{ index + 4 }}
"{{ list[row].quote }}"

Are we using chat-up lines in real life?

As well as finding out the UK’s favourite fictional chat-up lines, we had another question we wanted to answer. Do people actually use chat-up lines in real life?

According to our research, 1 in 3 Brits have tried their luck with a chat-up line. And of those brave Brits, 95% said they’d been successful at least once. However, 80% also said they’d been rejected at least once!

Splitting our results out by gender, we found that 44% of men had used a chat-up line before, compared to just 21% of women. And while 91% of the men who had used chat-up lines had been successful at least once, the women in our survey had a 100% success rate!

How do we feel about chat-up lines?

While they might seem charming or funny on the big screen, how do Brits feel about chat-up lines in real life?

According to our research, 48% of people have had a chat-up line used on them before. And of those people, 72% said they’d gone on a date with someone who’d used a chat-up line, but 83% had also rejected someone for using one. So, choose your words carefully!

How would you feel if somebody used a chat-up line on you?

Cheesy emoji
I would think that they are cheesy
{{ split[feel][0] }}%
Flattered emoji
I would be flattered
{{ split[feel][1] }}%
Brave emoji
I would think that they are brave
{{ split[feel][2] }}%
Embarrassing emoji
I would find it embarrassing
{{ split[feel][3] }}%
Rude emoji
I would think it was rude
{{ split[feel][4] }}%
Offended emoji
I would be offended
{{ split[feel][5] }}%